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Rural Healthcare - An Important Topic


Over 60 million Americans live and work in seemingly idyllic, rural communities. But life gets challenging when illness or pregnancy forces travel of sometimes great distances to see a doctor or get to a hospital. Often, these resources aren't available locally due to lack of funding. National Rural Health Day, celebrated on Nov. 16, helps bring attention to the state of rural healthcare. We celebrate the providers, healthcare professionals, and community leaders who keep the spirit of small-town America alive.


Hoover Ingredients cares about the rural communities that are an essential part of not only our food ingredient business, but of our entire U.S. economy and way of life. Access to quality healthcare is a critical part of supporting our rural communities and way of life.


Five Reasons Why Rural America Needs Better Healthcare

1.      There aren't enough doctors.

​Only 10 percent of physicians have practices in rural communities despite the fact that nearly 25 percent of the U.S. population lives outside of cities.

2.      Children are suffering.

​About 24 percent of children in rural settings are battling poverty. 

3.      ​There aren't enough hospitals.

Within the past 25 years, more than 470 rural hospitals have shut down due to loss of funding. 

4.      ​There aren't enough mental health services.

Almost 20 percent of rural counties lack mental health services compared with only 5 percent of metropolitan counties. 

5.      ​Hypertension affects people who live in rural communities on a larger scale.

Factors such as isolation, increased poverty, and overall aging may be some of the reasons why hypertension is significantly higher in rural areas.


How to Observe National Rural Health Day

1.      Plan a group run, bicycle ride, or hit the trail.

Do something to make yourself feel good. If you are lucky enough to live outside the city, get some friends together and do some hiking or off-road bicycling — or maybe even take a peaceful walk. After all, focusing on healthy living is a big part of this day. 

2.      Thank your healthcare providers.

Sometimes just a simple "thank you" will do. On National Rural Health Day, call or visit your local healthcare providers and let them know how much you appreciate everything they do for you. 

3.      Write a letter to the editor or post a note online.

Advocacy is a big part of National Rural Health Day. If you write something important or creative enough, it may go viral. Then you're hitting an even bigger audience than you originally intended. Get your voice out there and let everybody know that rural communities need love too.


National Rural Health Day. “Celebrating the Power of Rural”


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