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Another Almond Bloom In The Books!


The 2024 California almond bloom appears to have been successful, despite some challenges. Here's what we have heard from our grower network:

  • The bloom seems to be better than last year despite an elongated bloom period compared to average.

  • Challenging weather early on including rain and wind in early March made for hit and miss bee flight hours for pollination.

  • Bud set appears to be good. Almond sizing seems to indicate a wide variance this year.

  • Lots of guesses on the ultimate crop size but consensus is for a better tonnage crop than last year.

  • How will orchard management look this year? Last year there were less orchard tasks and less inputs used due to historically low grower prices. This led to some quality issues and heavier pest pressure. Will this be the case this year?

The almond bloom period sets the stage for growth during the season. There is a long way to go before we get a clearer picture on what this crop may produce. Stay tuned! Hoover Ingredients is pleased to offer California Almonds through our long tenured group of vetted grower/processors. How can we help you navigate this market?


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